First the fbi background check wasn't aloud to be processed since it had my brother's name on the return address insted of mine (even though they wouldn't send it direct to me anyway) and then not saying anything to anyone for 4 days.
Then the greek goverment spent about a week sending me back and forward and back again with all these little details that I needed to do in order to re-apply for my residency permit, apparently just giving a detailed list wasn't a good idea and they preffer their people to do little bits at a time and then bring it back to get the next 'challenge'.
Then after all that the SA embassy spent about a week trying to conferm I was a student at the school becuse aparently they kept getting transfered to the wrong number.
But here i am, finally. I picked up my passport at 11am and rushed to make the 3pm flight to Dubi and have about 12 hours before taking the 6 hour flight down here. A short stay in a hostel and I am curently writing in the van that is taking me and 10 other people on the 6 hour drive up to hoedsprout to be picked up by the school and play keepup while making up the whole week behind i am becuse of these delays. Oh and then there was the miscount of passangers on the van and they almost left me at the restop while waiting for my breakfast to come out. On the bright side we did just pass a Nando's.
The end.