Monday, February 16, 2015

Every day is on the go

Male and female Nyala 
So this last week we focused on off roading with our 4x4 course. We split into two groups and so the first two day I was with the group doing game-drives in the morning and evening learning of plants and all that jazz. For Thursday and Friday w started our theory part of the 4x4, a lot of book work and theory goes into this stuff. Like tire pressure and the whole working mechanics from the engine to the wheels.

Red Toad
Along with this is about 150 extra pages of work books to do , along with about 100 in the normal course and game drives and camp chores and normal study and photo editing and odds and ends so time is not on my side. Really the only reason I’d choose to be a vampire over a werewolf (In the Twilight versions of them) is that vampires don’t have to sleep, although it’s nice to wake up refreshed after a good night’s sleep I’d be nice to not have to do it during times like these.  

Expect another post in a day or two, tomorrow is a whole day trip to Kruger and a lecture on Elephants so another long day and late night with studying in between, but can't say it isn't worth it.


  1. Great pictures, Dylan! Enjoy the business and all of the game drives. Praying for retention for your lectures, reading and studies. At least they are all topics that you could be using daily as a guide and things you are interested in. Keep up the good work!! <3

  2. And you still make time to keep people updated. Way to go, brother!

  3. YOU.ARE.AWESOME........ nothing more to say really - thanks soooooo much for sharing your adventures with us, we LOVE it
