Reed frog |

This was the last week here at the Bushwise course and most of us are now moving on to our internship this Monday. I have been given a place with two other students at a research place that deals with motioning and studying various animals on a almost unused piece of land. These last few days we've had our final game drives and walks together, as well as the theory exam for walking trial safaris. This was alot on different scenarios and how to handle different situations as well as a test on our wildlife behavior knowledge and what different signals and body language means what for each animal. We also had a farewell lunch at a lodge, buffet style and a final thank you to instructors and staff, and our final movie night on the projector after a slideshow of some of our favorite photos of the time here (the lion king was the movie, obviously) and dinner at the local bar.
So with placement coming up we really don't have much idea what will be expected of us, but I'm ready to move out into the field and start really learning how things work. This course has been great with alot of good people and instructors and most defiantly not the worst way to spend 5 months, even with delays and exams and study time.
That snake looks like it was very close to you! I can't wait to hear how things go at LEO. So excited for this next phase.